FASHION & DESIGN Tour (Buenos Aires)

Los tours clásicos que ofrecemos comprenden la zona de Palermo y de San Telmo y son brindados por guías que además son diseñadores.

En ambos casos se explican los estudios, influencias, técnicas e inspiración de los diseñadores argentinos más destacados y se cuenta además con descuentos exclusivos en el caso de querer comprar. Solo visitamos Diseño de Autor Argentino.

-Palermo Design Tour

Se visitan tiendas de diseño de autor en este hermoso y bohemio barrio, elegido por los más reconocidos diseñadores del país para mostrar sus colecciones.

Se cuenta con la posibilidad de conocer a los diseñadores en persona y hablar con ellos de sus creaciones.

-San Telmo Design Tour

Se visitan tiendas de diseño de autor donde también nos encontramos con los creadores, tiendas multimarca donde encontraremos a los diseñadores más jóvenes y vanguardistas, locales de vestimenta antigua, y una escondida tienda de cueros donde también hablaremos con los diseñadores.

También es posible incluir en el Tour, una visita al “Museo Nacional de la Historia del Traje” donde apreciaremos la vestimenta “porteña” de otras épocas.

Material incluido:

*Descuentos especiales en compras.
*Listado con información de cada diseñador visitado, datos de contacto, pagina web y direcciones.

Horarios: Jueves y Sábados (horarios personalizados)
Duración: 2 a 3 horas.
Precio: consulte por pasajeros individuales o grupos

Contacto: Kangoo Tours

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Providing Tours of Design in BA, our purpose is that everyone who is interested in it, can get to know the boutiques of the most outstanding fashion designers as far as innovation and quality, with a fashion-designer-guide giving the insights. You will learn about techniques, fabrics and each designers’ inspiration and concepts.

We are a group of Design lovers who believe that making connections with people with similar interests and sharing points of view is a way to enrich our productions and our sensitivity in life. We love sharing knowledge!

We organise 2 Classic Tours

1) San Telmo Design Tour

This three hours Walking Tour is composed by a wide variety of design shops. Author Design by amazing well known designers, Antique boutiques where we can find fashion from all ages and Multibrand Shops where the best latest designers sell their creations.

We explain the reasons why San Telmo became one of the trendiest spots in Buenos Aires and when this occured. We talk about every designer in particular; background, studies, work experience and the clothes; techniques, handmade work, fabrics, etc.

We also visit the “Museo Nacional de la Historia del Traje” where we see different expositions that recreate the history of Buenos Aires styles, always elegant in an european way.

2) Palermo Design Tour

With its cobblestone streets, independent designers and stylish boutiques, Palermo is hip and laid back: one of the coolest barrios to visit in Buenos Aires. Palermo is so diverse and with so many boutiques that it’s hard to know where to start, we help you with the best selection of boutiques not to waste your time.

During this three hours Walking Tour, we will explain how this neighborhood became home of design, why it happend and when it occurred. We will also discuss the “design boom” and why Author Design is so important and unique. We explain the designers’ background, studies, work experience, inspiration, techniques and everything concerning each designer in particular and every collection.

Other Tours (Special and Customize tours)

Flea markets Find second hand clothes and unique retro pieces. Vintage hats and shoes. Learn about the past and the great materials designers used. Salvation Army; Sr Amor Project.

Design Fairs It is very common to find fairs taking place in cafes or bars where young designers who cannot afford to have their own store show and sell their creations.

Tango Shoe Tour NEW! Meet a selection of both the most traditional and the most avant garde designers of tango shoes. Excellent quality + innovation. Plus, you can get a tango guide book and discounts on tango shoes.

Fashion+art events Buenos Aires is well known because of the cultural scene it offers. We can give you free tickets and take you to special events such as design exhibitions, prívate fashion shows at showrooms, every year’s UBA presentation of the students’ collections, BAFweek and more.

Hours: Thursdays and Saturdays (customized hours)
Length: 2 / 3 hours.
Price: ask for individuals or groups



Fashion et Design Tour: une visite guidée pour Designers. Nous parcourons des locaux de vêtements de l’auteur qui sont 100 % argentins. Le Tour offre 2 différents itinéraires : Palermo et(ou) San Telmo.

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